Acupuncture Weight Loss Ear Magnets
Similar to how foot reflexology targets points on the feet that correspond to areas of your body in acupuncture there is a map of the body inside the ear.
Acupuncture weight loss ear magnets. The ear is another area that acupuncture practitioners target for weight loss. Acupuncturists use these points for treating pain digestive problems smoking cessation weight loss generalized stress and anxiety and to emphasize functions and parts of the body. The idea is that the various points on the ear correspond to different organs and systems within the body.
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It s believed that food cravings can be controlled by manipulating points on the ear. The traditional theory of acupuncture is that it is the outer ear which represents the entire body so when you stimulate the key points with needles and or magnets all around the location your appetite will be greatly reduced and it will boost your metabolism. It sounds a bit wacky but attaching magnets to certain spots on the ears might aid in weight loss.
And while the most effective method of stimulating these points is with needles ear seed use was developed to give the patient some stimulation to acupuncture points even if they weren t in an office burris explains. Ear acupuncture for weight loss. The acupressure point magnets you place on the ear to help lose.