Weight Loss Auricular Acupuncture Points
1 ear weight loss point.
Weight loss auricular acupuncture points. Ear acupuncture a one point auricular treatment was also found effective but not to the degree of clinical success as the 5 acupuncture point combination. Place a thumb on that active point to apply the pressure. A new study concludes that a special 5 point combination of auricular acupuncture points is effective for weight loss in overweight individuals.
Auricular acupuncture is successful in treating obese patients to lose their weight efficiently. Also ensure that you need to apply the pressure on these points. There are five special pressure points for weight loss on the auricle.
The use of both acupressure and acupuncture as a weight loss intervention. Both the number of subjects who lost weight and the mean weight loss were significantly higher in the active group p 0 05. Also other three pressure points surround the ear point which also aid to.
5 acupressure points for weight loss. A one point auricular treatment was also found effective but not to the degree of clinical success as the 5 acupuncture point combination. A new study concludes that a special 5 point combination of auricular acupuncture points is effective for weight loss in overweight individuals.
Frequent stimulation of specific auricular acupuncture points is an effective method of appetite suppression which leads to weight loss. Ear point or tragus. By following the below acupressure techniques the life energy will flow through all the organs mainly the spleen meridians and the stomach.
The best acupressure points for fast weight loss at home. The ear acupressure point controls the food craving and improves digestive capabilities. Place your finger on the auricle of the ear check for the most responsive point of the region by moving your jaw muscles.