Weight Loss Challenge Questionnaire
Weight and lifestyle management questionnaire.
Weight loss challenge questionnaire. Toronto health and wellness centre brookfield place suite 3000 181 bay st po box 818 toronto on m5j 2t3. Weight loss questionnaire question title 1. Try to resolve other stressors in your life before you begin a weight loss effort.
What s the main reason you are seeking treatment at this time. If you are willing to talk a little bit more about your experience with weight loss please leave your email below. What is the biggest challenge you currently face in improving what you answered for number two.
Were you able to achieve your weight loss goal through the biggest loser challenge. Post biggest loser challenge survey please take a few minutes to fill out this survey. Weight loss itself is a source of stress so if you are already under stress it may be difficult to successfully im ple ment a weight loss program at this time.
How much weight would you like to. Yes no if no what barriers kept you from losing the weight you wanted to.