Weight Reduction Acupuncture Points
The needles are placed at this point when obesity is caused by fluid retention in the body.
Weight reduction acupuncture points. In the past several decades acupuncture is currently attempting to slim down many people have even reported that acupuncture aids in reduction. Usually the following points are the locations where needles are being inserted in acupuncture for weight loss. 1 a body mass index.
Ear acupuncture for weight loss the ear is another area that acupuncture practitioners target for weight loss. The best acupressure points for fast weight loss at home. The 5 point acupuncture treatment caused the most significant reduction in waist circumference and bmi.
In addition extra acupuncture points were chosen based on the specific body types of the patients. Body fat percentage dropped significantly in the 5 point acupuncture treatment but not in the other groups. Acupuncture demonstrates positive effects in supporting healthy weight reduction along with the alleviation of hunger sensations fatigue and abdominal distension.
So for weight loss acupuncture treatments commonly target these areas of the body. There are five acupuncture points that have the word huang in them. A widespread health concern over 4 million people die annually due to complications caused by excess weight.
Previous studies suggest that the weight reduction effect of auricular acupuncture occurs via stimulation of the hunger and stomach points 6 anatomically the hunger point is located in the tragus and the stomach point is located in the cuvum conchae with both points falling within the distribution of the auricular branch of the vagus nerve. Kidney 16 bladder 43 bladder 51 bladder 53 and an extra point that i hadn t heard of before i found this extra point called huang mu in giovanni maciocia s book the channels of acupuncture. The little known secrets to acupressure points for weight loss.
Weight loss comes under the topic of weight control because we are concerned with the loss and maintenance of loss of weight. 1 ear weight loss point. It s absolutely a strong and efficient tool for weight control.