Weight Loss By Acupuncture
Acupuncture for weight loss.
Weight loss by acupuncture. Send text message print. The theory behind acupuncture and weight loss. Ear acupuncture for weight loss the ear is another area that acupuncture practitioners target for weight loss.
After the birth of her second son allison 25 found herself in the same situation as many other new moms with a few. In much of the world it is known as traditional chinese medicine or tmc. Acupuncture supports weight loss from different angles.
So for weight loss acupuncture treatments commonly target these areas of the body. However there are many types of acupuncture that come from asia. One very important way acupuncture supports weight loss is by giving your body metabolism a very good boost by regulating your insulin production digestion and hormone functions.
Read on to know acupuncture benefits for weight loss. Acupuncture can be used for weight loss to regulate the neuroendocrine system which has a measurable effect on body. At southcentre chinese acupuncture dr.
When done correctly acupuncture is a great supplement to a weight loss program as patients have noticed decrease in appetite improved mood and decrease in stress rahnama says. Fans and practitioners of acupuncture claim the practice can help alleviate stress physical pain allergies and even pms but can it really aid weight loss too. Still similar results have suggested that acupuncture may be effective for aiding in weight loss.
Recent research has proved that when acupuncture is combined with traditional methods of weight loss patients lose more weight. In a larger systematic review from 2018 the authors included 21 studies for analysis with a. Save fb tweet more.