Weight Loss Ear Seeds Acupuncture
And as an acupuncturist.
Weight loss ear seeds acupuncture. Ear acupuncture may hold promise for weight loss. Acupuncture is an ancient traditional medicine that involves inserting thin filiform or solid needles into specific points on the body. Remove ear seeds after 2 4 days and then apply a fresh set of ear seed stickers on the alternate ear.
In my clinical practice i use ear seeds with weight loss addictions and stress related conditions says dr. Then apply medium and constant pressure for 3 minutes with your thumb which may help control your appetite. Auriculotherapy is used for range of health issues including anxiety pain weight loss and addiction.
9 seeds you should be eating. Stephen chee who is dual trained as an m d. Ear seeds are tiny seeds pellets beads or crystals that are placed on ear pressure points to stimulate the flow of energy to other areas of the body.
A 2015 literature review looked at 15 studies on auricular acupuncture with ear seeds for insomnia. Ear acupuncture therapy is based on the theory that the outer ear represents all parts of the body. Much like reflexology on the feet the entire body can be imaged onto the ear.
Together the studies indicated that the combination of ear seeds and acupuncture seemed to. Acupuncture can be used for weight loss to regulate the neuroendocrine system which has a measurable effect on body. For each condition place ear seeds on all the relevant ear acu points on one ear.
And now the newest generation offers best ever. The stimplus pro with differential amplifier has attained legendary status as a lightweight comfortable and effective tool for treating acupoints on both the body and the ear. Ear acupuncture for weight loss.